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The Michael Collins Group Serves 

Middle School Class

School Support Services

Business Consultation

Our Clients and Experience

Our consulting services are all about meeting your needs. With customizable solutions designed for each client, you can be assured that we're here to help you achieve success no matter your industry or business. Our vast experience allows us to bring real-world solutions to your problems, and backed up by our knowledge and expertise, you can be assured of results that make a difference.

Our Clients, both past and present, represent not only a distinguished list, but also a wide variety of industries and experiences.  Some include:

  • School Health Advocates

  • Non-Profit Creation, Marketing and Management

  • Consulting, Marketing, Brand Development

  • School Issue Campaigns

  • School Districts (Parent and Community Engagement)

  • Executive Education Leadership and Searches

  • School Nutrition Providers

School Health Advocates

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The Ohio School Health Services Association

The Ohio School Health Services Association is an advocate for the Medicaid in Schools Program, as well as the overall growth and success of school-based health programs and services that help students succeed.

The Opportunity: Renewing the Promise of Access to Health Services in Ohio Schools

OSHSA provides advocacy and support to enhance, expand and improve the Medicaid Schools Program and the School-Based Health Center models, promoting service to student populations they are designed to serve. To do so, the many members of OSHSA — from school districts to health service providers — need a common voice and source of information. 

Our Services: Developing the Organization, Marketing, Public Policy, Communications

Michael Collins serves as Executive Director for OSHSA, providing strategic counsel, action plans and implementation for the organization’s marketing and communications initiatives. He facilitates meetings of the board of directors and has helped the group redefine its mission, vision and goals.

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Values In Action

At Values-in-Action Foundation, they empower students and adults to build communities of kindness, caring and respect through programs that teach, promote, and provide skills and tools to enable individuals to make positive, values-based decisions every day.

The Opportunity: Promote the value of kindness and mental health in Ohio's schools and communities

Our community programming encourages businesses, municipalities, organizations, and schools to come together with the common goal to positively change culture through kindness. By doing and sharing acts of kindness, we can come together to inspire meaningful change.

Started in 1994 as Project Love, Values-in-Action has been providing social-emotional and character education programs to schools in Northeast Ohio for 29 years. Now with programming in schools in all 50 states, its mission is to empower students and adults to build communities of kindness, caring and respect through programs that teach, promote, and provide skills and tools to enable individuals to make positive, values-based decisions every day.

Our Services: Developing the  Marketing and promoting the organization to new communities and districts

The Michael Collins Group consults with Values In Action to build the organization’s capacity to provide new opportunities and introductions, grow the organization and brand awareness and share experiences through training for public school districts.

School Issue Campaigns

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Support Ohio Schools

SOS provides proven successful strategies for winning school levy campaigns in Ohio. The organization provides on-site consulting assistance, strategic planning and voter data analysis to promote research-based school district levy victories.

The Opportunity: Proven Strategies for Winning Support For the Public Schools in Ohio Communities

Research shows that direct voter contact — in person, by mail and over the phone –pays off in successful school levies, while billboard advertising, cable television and other expensive vehicles might not work for your schools. If you have a coalition of key levy supporters, Support Ohio Schools will give your district every chance for a successful and supportive election.

Our Services: Levy Campaign Strategy, Organizational Development, Facilitation

The Michael Collins Group hopes to continue the growth of Support Ohio Schools. As a successful local levy campaign strategist and elected member of the Ohio Board of Education, Michael Collins adds significant strategic management experience to SOS.

Nonprofit Organizations

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Kids Voting Ohio

In Ohio, voter turnout is the lowest among voters between the ages of 18 to 29 and lower than our neighboring states in this age group. At Kids Voting Ohio we are committed to creating life long voting habits in children.

The Opportunity: Connect Ohio's students/teachers/parents and teach them about the voting process, structure moch elections, engage students in the civics procedure in Ohio.  Kids Voting Ohio provides materials to run a mock election in your school, provides curriculum to teachers aligned with state standards and organized by grade level.

Our Services: Brand Creation, Marketing, Public Policy, Communications

The Michael Collins Group created and manages Kids Voting Ohio to build the organization’s capacity to provide mock elections, voter registration drives, create best practice materials and share experiences through training for public school districts and/or parents to grow the educational aspect of being a voter within Ohio.  Voter education and preparedness is essential for Americans and our society.

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Real Choice Ohio

Real Choice Ohio provides assistance to Ohio public school districts for the retention of students so that they have a successful education and graduate from high school.

The Opportunity: Tell New Stories of Success In Ohio’s Public Schools

Public school districts need to communicate the stories of student achievement and success in a way that underscores their commitment to education all children. 

Our Services: Marketing, Public Policy, Communications

The Michael Collins Group consults with Real Choice Ohio to build the organization’s capacity to provide research, create best practice materials and share experiences through training for public school districts.

Executive Education Leadership 

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Ray and Associates

Ray and Associates specializes in nationwide searches for school leaders, particularly the CEOs and Superintendents of major school districts, as well as principals, business officers and other administrative leaders in education.

The Opportunity: Tell New Stories of Success In America’s Public Schools

In a time of significant challenges and changes in direction, school districts face new challenges in finding talent, commitment and compatibility in candidates for positions of school leadership.

Our Services: Executive Search, Public Policy, Communication 

Michael Collins has served as the President for Ray and Associates and has served as an advisor for scores of several significant searches in multiple states, providing input to school board governance and interviewing candidates and finalists.

Consulting, Marketing, Brand Development


Varsity Tutors

Varsity Tutors provides students with personalized, 1-on-1 tutoring for academics, test prep, and enrichment for students, parents, or districts.  Multiple levels of membership are available to custom match the level of support needed for the student, school, or district.

The Opportunity: Raise the Profile and Reinforce Brand For a Reputable Resource in tutoring services

Work with Varsity Tutors to continue to expose their brand, consult, and develop a strategy that can be implemented to expand their business in the Midwest and Ohio.  Using those strategies, start to develop a plan that can be applied on a more nationwide scale after initial implementation.

Our Services: Consulting, Organizational Development and Introductions, Facilitation

The Michael Collins Group hopes to continue the growth of Varsity Tutors. As a successful brand ambassador, the Michael Collins Group will try to introduce Varsity Tutors to new districts and associations that may benefit from a partnership with Varsity Tutors.  Work with Varsity Tutors to develop a process to introduce the company to differing organizations on a national scale as well as find a way to recruit new tutors that will be needed with the additional business

School Districts 


Everett Public Schools 

Everett Public School District located in Snohomish County, WA with student enrollment of 21,000. Everett Public Schools' mission is to inspire, educate and prepare each student to achieve high standards, contribute to our community, and thrive in a global society.

The Opportunity: Improve Family and Community Engagement 

The National PTA reports that “the most accurate predictors of student achievement in school are not family income or social status, but the extent to which the family becomes involved in the child’s education at school.”

Our Services: Communication, Development, Facilitation, Navigation 

The Michael Collins Group consults with Everett Public Schools to develop and design organizational structures that enhance parent and community engagement at both the building and district levels. The ultimate goal is for Everett School District to establish and activate a district-wide philosophy and culture of family engagament throughout all facets of the organizational behavior.  


School Support Services

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American Dairy Association: Ohio School Breakfast Challenge

The Ohio School Breakfast Challenge encourages all schools to give their students the best start they can with a healthy breakfast. Starting the day with a nutritional breakfast helps students do their best.


The Opportunity: Nourishing Partnerships with School Organizations to Keep Milk a Key Part of School Breakfasts.

More than 30 statewide organizations in Ohio’s public education coalition join together to promote nutritional breakfasts. They multiply the impact and credibility of a program that positions milk as a leader in healthy school meals.


Our Services: Marketing and Communications, Public Policy Consulting

The Michael Collins Group provides marketing, public relations, media relations and marketing expertise to the ADA Ohio School Breakfast Challenge, working with Ohio educators to make the promotional and educational program a success.

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