Welcome to the website of the Michael Collins Group,
Our web presence celebrates the success of our clients in offering so much to public education, related statewide organizations, associations, and programs. We share their passion and dedication to serving and improving the education of the Whole Child. Beyond textbooks and highly skilled teachers, many of our students need nutritious meals, access to healthcare, and counselors who understand their social and emotional needs. And of course, they need the support of parents, sound educational practices and policies, and adequate resources from their communities and state.
Nobody can do all of this in isolation, but in groups and organizations — indeed, in coalitions of dedicated organizations and individuals — we can do so much together.
That’s what the Michael Collins Group is all about — tapping into the skills and talents of educators and related organizations who support them and offering them the benefits of our experience in public policy, organization development, marketing, media relations, events, and campaigns.
From all of us at the Michael Collins Group, and for the organizations and programs we serve and represent, this is an open invitation to join with us, to share our passion for service, and to create new avenues of opportunities for the next generation.
I hope you visit often.
Michael L. Collins





Mike Collins
Founder and President
As President, Michael L. Collins serves as the primary strategic consultant for clients in the educational services arena, specifically focusing on public policy, organizational advancement, marketing and member advocacy.

Ryan Collins
General Manager, IT
Ryan Collins implements a wide range of strategic programs and services for client organizations and provides coordination, promotion and media relations expertise for key projects of the Michael Collins Group.